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Story Lab: Techniques

See also: -[The Lyrical]- See also: [STORY LAB SITE] [Story WEB stuff] [Story Lab Team] (on-going dialog; diary) [ATECH Program] (Arts & Technology) [terms] (index of indexes) [Space-Time Conveyor] See also: [Borges] Jorge Luis Borges; Lib of Babel [Swift] Johnathan Swift; [Stories]

Story Lab

On this page: {Story Lab] (ideas, etc) {Story Lab Assignments} {Readings} The classic list of narrative techniquies POV (Pont of View; 1st person, 3rd person) Story (beginning, middle, end) Characters (creating characters of varying moods that interact - creating the story and probably... Conflict (always a good idea, to have this, even if it's just a discussion of differeing opinions) Time-Space -- the passage of time, or traveling from one place to another. in SciFi, the limits are out of this world. Theme - this can usually be tied to ghe genre (eg, mystery, scifi, horror, action/adventure, etc). Plot -- there are (according to one author) 20 basic plots: Adventure, The Hero's Journey, Transformation, Revelation/Mystery, Explorations of ideas, Structure - again a straightforward telling, or one with many flashbacks, and internal mumblings by the various characrters. Style -- the hardest thing to define: The way the author uses words, and the kinds of words that they use. In total the combination of all other facotrs. Symbolism - esp in poetry. This often occurs in character series; eg, Homer's Odyssey, we often see phrases like "sharp eyed Athena" -- tellling us that not much gets by her. We can associate symbols with a person (as we can with imagery... Imagery (comparisons and such - making everything not so literal; eg, instead of "He was very tall, standing 6'8" in stocking feet" -- "He towered over us like some sad, old oak tree - all six feet and eight inches of him". This reveals the info, but by using the comparison to an oak tree (and a sad one at that), it tells us something of his disposition and internal narrative. Unity (drawing the work together so that (esp in longer works) its begnining, middle and end "hang" together and the reader doesn't feel that they've wasted their time). One thing to do is google "narrative technique" "style" You may find these links useful: (which i got using "point of view" in the google search)